Archiwum | Mława

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Tłumacz Zamigam


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Archiwum - Październik 2011

  • „Młoda damo trzeba uważać przechodząc przez ulicę”, „Bądź modny- noś odblaski!”, „Kiedy podjeżdżasz do skrzyżowania STOP bez gadanie”- tak dzieci opisywały zasady bezpieczeństwa na drodze w swoich komiksach – jak widać nawet dorośli mogliby wiele się od nich nauczyć.
  • Zawiadomienia dot. wydania przez Starostę Powiatu Mławskiego w dn. 07.10.2011r. decyzji nr 373/2011 zatwierdzającej projekt budowlany i zezwalającej na realizację inwestycji drogowej, polegajacej na budowie nawierzchni na przedłużeniu ul. Szpitalnej - powiazanie z droga gminną dojazdową do dzielnicy przemysłowej w Mławie.
  • Mlawa Town Office 19 Stary Rynek Str. tel. +48 23 654 33 82 contact to us: Katarzyna Kaszuba tel. +48 23 654 32 96 e-mail: uemlawa [dot] pl (ue[at]mlawa[dot]pl) Regional Court Office 3 Reymonta W. St. tel. +48 23 654 30 23 National Insurance Office 31 Padlewskiego Z. St. tel. +48 23 654 35 35 District Employment Office 43 Pilsudskiego J St. tel. +48 23 654 39 18 District Public…
  • District town located in the northern part of Mazovia Region, 120 kilometres from Warsaw. It has a population of over 30 thousand and takes up the area of 34.86 km2 As far as geographical division is concerned, Mława belongs to the macroregion of Central Polish Lowlands (to be exact: north- east part of North Mazovian Lowlands) North Mazovian Lowlands region is the northernmost part of…
  • Mława Sport Hall On 2 September 2002 Mława Sport Hall started to be used by the students of the primary school number 2 and group of schools number 3 as well as by all Mława's citizens. The cost of the entire investment (along with the equipment needed) amounted to 7.2 mln PLN out of which 1.2 mln was donated by the Office of Sport and Physical Culture and Mazovia Province Council in…
  • Ruda Reservoir The Ruda Reservoir is located within the communes of Iłowo and Lipowiec Kościelny. First of them belongs to the district of Działdowo and Warminsko-Mazurskie Province, the second one belongs to the district of Mława and Mazovia Province. The Reservoir is a property of the treasury. It is supervised by the Province Institute for Land Reclamation and Water Facilities.…
  • Gdzie zjeść na telefon
  • Stanisłw Grzebski - brilliant mathematician (1524 - 1570) Born in Grzebsk near Mława. He was a very well-known mathematician and philologist, University of Cracow professor. In 1556 he published the first geometry textbook in Poland entitled " Geometry is a metric science, written in Polish with the use of Greek and Latin tomes"         Zuzanna Morawska - writer (1848-…
  • 2 July 1426 - Mazovian dukes called Siemowit I, Trojden II and Władysław I arrive in Mława along with several other dignitaries to take part in dukes' court sitting. 13 July 1429 - Mazovian dukes named Siemowit I, Kazimierz II and Władysław I bestow chełmińskie charter to Mława 31 December 1435 - in the treaty with the Teutonic Knights in Brześć Kujawski there are convention border courts…
  • Mława's necropolis became a reflection of social relationships that were formed within the years. Beside Roman Catholic cemeteries in Mława until 1939 there were also five others: two Jewish cemeteries, two evangelical and one orthodox. Of all five only three have survived until the present day. Also deserving attention are the burial places of people that died during World War Two.…