
Opublikowane na: Mława (mlawa.pl)

Autor: root@npc.pl

Important Addresses And Telephones

Publikowane od
Publikowane do
Mlawa Town Office
19 Stary Rynek Str. tel. +48 23 654 33 82
contact to us: Katarzyna Kaszuba
tel. +48 23 654 32 96
e-mail: ueat[1]mlawa [dot] pl (ue[at]mlawa[dot]pl)
Regional Court Office
3 Reymonta W. St. tel. +48 23 654 30 23
National Insurance Office
31 Padlewskiego Z. St. tel. +48 23 654 35 35
District Employment Office
43 Pilsudskiego J St. tel. +48 23 654 39 18
District Public Prosecutor Office
3 Reymonta W. St. tel. +48 23 654 38 19
Customs Clearance Office
LG Electronics tel. +48 23 655 14 76
District Police Station
1 Sienkiewicza H. St. Tel. +48 23 654 43 43
District Fire Brigade Office
15 Padlewskiego Z. St. tel. +48 23 654 33 85
Citys Escort Office
19 Stary Rynek St. tel. +48 23 654 64 34
Municipal Service Office "USKOM" plc.
102 Plocka St. tel. +48 23 654 35 16
Water-Supply, Sewer and Sewage System Office plc.
106 Plocka St. tel. +48 23 654 60 70
Warsaw Gashouse Office - gas distribution station
96 Plocka St. tel. +48 23 655 01 65
Electricity Generating Board
127 Warszawska St tel. +48 23 654 32 35
1 Dobrska A. St tel. +48 23 654 32 35
Energy and Electricity Emergency - +48 23 654 77 00
Gas Emergency - +48 23 654 41 62
Water-Supply Emergency - +48 23 654 31 13
Heat Engineering Emergency - +48 23 654 35 06
Railway Station Information - +48 23 674 33 53
Inter City Public Bus Communication Information - +48 23 654 35 56
Taxi station - +48 23 654 35 76

Adres źródłowy: https://mlawa.pl/artykul/important-addresses-and-telephones