
Opublikowane na: Mława (mlawa.pl)

Autor: root@npc.pl

Symbols Of Mława

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The Crest of Mława
[1] Mława during a 200- year period changed its crest twice. The original crest consisted of two towers without any links. A later one depicted a part of battlements, open gates and two little fortress towers situated on the battlements. This version of the crest, agreed upon by graphic artists, was later, in the middle of XVI century, introduced to the town's seal.
In the first half of XVII century there were two seals in the town on which the crest was placed. The crest depicted two towers and between them the figure of Saint Wojciech in Episcopal clothes. He held an oar in his right hand and a cross in the left one. Around the towers there was a Latin abbreviation "S.A.P.O.S.R.M.M." which in full means SANCTUS ADALBERTUS PATRONUS OPPIDI SACRAE REGIAE MAIESTATIS MLAVIENNIS (Saint Wojciech Patron of Mława, the Town of His Majesty). The seals with the figure of Saint Wojciech were in use until the end of the First Republic of Poland.
During the after partition period Mława's crest changed and because of that its original look was lost. After the liberation in 1918 the figure of Saint Wojciech was restored and the Latin sentence changed. Since that time the Latin abbreviation has been A.O.R.P.S.M. which means ADALBERTUS ORATOR REGNI POLONIA SANCTUS MARTYR (Wojciech the Polish Kingdom's Intercessor Holy Martyr).
In the fifties Mława authorities decided to remove the figure of Saint Wojciech along with the Latin letters from the crest. For the next years there were efforts to restore the original look of the crest. It finally happened in 1989 which is shown in the Town Council's resolution mentioning restoration of the image of Saint Wojciech to the crest. In 1992 under the resolution of town's council the image of Saint Wojciech was completed with elements of episcopal attire.
Currently the crest of Mława according to the record in Mława charter contains: "two red towers crowned with crosses with the figure of Saint Wojciech the bishop dressed in bishop gowns in a red vestment. He is holding a cross in his left hand and an oar in his right one. There are two inscriptions on the outside: AOR/ PSM (Adalbertus Orator Poloniae Sanctus Martyr). At the bottom the towers are connected with an arch which is a symbol of a river. The cartouche should be of a profiled shape softly rounded of the circular impression referring to a large, circular seal of former ages finished with a continuous thick line."

The flag of Mława
[2] The flag of Mława was approved by the Town Council in 1998. It consists of three parallel stripes situated horizontally. The top and bottom stripes are blue and are of one third of the width of the central stripe. The middle stripe is white with the figure of Saint Wojciech holding an oar and a cross, depicted there between the two towers in accordance with the resolution which determines the colours of the crest.

The bugle- call of Mława
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Every day from Mława's town hall's tower there is a bugle call played at noon punctually. The melody, which was composed by Mariusz Szaban, is connected with contemporary music. The melody is played by a trumpet and is reproduced electronically from a CD. It is synchronized with the clock and the calendar. The Town Council want the bugle-call to signal the anniversary of the outbreak of the World War One and the Battle of Mława and also the beginning of a new year. Bells of the Holy Trinity Church, which is right next to the town hall, ring for Angelus Domini with a delay of one minute. There is obviously a possibility that a bugler will perform Mława's bugle-call.

Adres źródłowy: https://mlawa.pl/artykul/symbols-mlawa