
Opublikowane na: Mława (mlawa.pl)

Autor: root@npc.pl

Outstanding Mława Citizens’ Profiles

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[1]Stanisłw Grzebski - brilliant mathematician (1524 - 1570)
Born in Grzebsk near Mława. He was a very well-known mathematician and philologist, University of Cracow professor. In 1556 he published the first geometry textbook in Poland entitled " Geometry is a metric science, written in Polish with the use of Greek and Latin tomes"





[2]Zuzanna Morawska - writer (1848- 1922)
Born in Sokołówek near Ciechanów. From her early childhood related to Mława. She was a teacher by profession. Se worked in Warsaw where she organized a private school for young women. She came back to Mława in 1880 where she bought a farm called "Zulinek". After an unsuccessful attempt of organizing an economic school for young women she conducted clandestine tutoring of Polish and Polish history for which she was punished with a several month long imprisonment in Płock. After 1905 she taught Polish in Polska Macierz Szkolna and also in the private school of Antonina Mrozowska in Mława. Her literary output are mainly poetic works and novels for the youth: "Giermek książęcy", "Na zgliszczach zakonu", "Przygody imć Pana Mikołaja Reja". She died in Mława where she was buried in a churchyard



Wojciech Piechowski - painter (1849- 1911)
Born in a well- off noble family in Nosarzewo Borowe near Mława. He started his education in a four- class primary school in Mława and then high school in Włocławek. Between 1869- 1873 he continued his studies in Warsaw Drawing School having as his professors: A. Kamiński, R. Hadziewicz ad W. Gerson. Later he studied in Monachium, Germany, at Wagner and Sets Academy, afterwards in Józef Brandt's studio. He came back to Poland in 1875, where he settled down in Nosarzewo. In 1877 he married Aleksandra Olszewska. He painted mainly genre scenes, rarely portraits and religious paintings. Piechowski took part in international exhibitions: Paris- 1889, Berlin- 1891, Chicago- 1893. In 1900 he received a bronze medal in Paris for his paining entitled "Via et vita nostra". A collection of his paintings can be admired in Zawkrzeńska Land Museum

Anna Tomaszewicz- Dobrska- first Polish woman having M.D. diploma (1854- 1918)
Born in Mława. After completing education in a private school, she started studies in Zurich. In 1877 she graduated and received a degree of a medicine doctor. Her diploma meant a breakthrough in many years of Polish medicine history- for the first time a Polish woman became a medicine doctor. Before she was allowed to practise, she had been let down several times: in her home country nobody wanted to recognize her diploma, she was not admitted to Warsaw Medicine Doctors Society. Only in 1880 she started her practice in Warsaw in the field of pediatrics and women diseases. Beside many medical merits Anna Dobrska had also some social achievements. She was a founder of the Society of Holiday Camps and Charitable Society. Moreover, along with M. Konopnicka and E. Orzeszkowa, she organized I Convention of Polish Women. She died on 21 June 1918

[3]Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina- writer (1899- 1986)
Born in Bronowice near Puławy. She studied Polish and pedagogy at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Since 1921 she lived in Mława where she taught Polish in Teachers' Seminar of Stanisław Żółkiewski . For her Mława was also a place where she fell in love with one of Mława's citizens- Jan Zygmunt Zaremba. They lived together for 50 years. As a writer for children she made her debut in 1922 in a magazine "Moje Pisemko". She wrote mainly stories: "Najmilski", "Wesołe historie", fairy tales like "Rzemieślniczek Wędrowniczek" and poems: "Wesołe prace", "Młodość"


[4]Halina Rudnicka- writer (1909- 1982)
Born in Mława. She graduated in Polish. She also finished Pedagogy College at University of Warsaw. She made her debut in 1948 in commentary press. She was also a prose writer, an educator, a political commentator and a textbook author. During the occupation time she took part in clandestine tutoring. After the liberation she settled down in Warsaw. In 1952 she received a national award of II degree for the novel entitled "Uczniowie Spartakusa". In 1960 she got a Prime Minister's award for artistic works for children and youth. She published; "Polną ścieżką", "Kobiety mówią o sobie", "Chłopcy ze Starówki", "Król Agis", "Syn Herkulesa" and many other novels.


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