
Opublikowane na: Mława (mlawa.pl)

Autor: root@npc.pl

The History Of Mława In Dates

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2 July 1426 - Mazovian dukes called Siemowit I, Trojden II and Władysław I arrive in Mława along with several other dignitaries to take part in dukes' court sitting.

13 July 1429 - Mazovian dukes named Siemowit I, Kazimierz II and Władysław I bestow chełmińskie charter to Mława

31 December 1435 - in the treaty with the Teutonic Knights in Brześć Kujawski there are convention border courts appointed to handle contentious matters between the Duke of Mazovia and the Teutonic Knights Order. The courts appointed are supposed to have sittings one year in Działdowo and the following one in Mława

1460 - first known by name administrator of Mława named Mikołaj from Bolęcin with his wife Barbara sell the headship of the village of Mława to Andrzej and Niemierza of Łebków for 130 threescores of praskie grosze

1470 - Jakub, the of son Wojciech, as the first citizen of Mława enrolls at the Academy of Kraków

1472 - under another agreement between the Mazovian Dukes and the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Mława is appointed one the three cities to handle contentious matters

1477 - probably then the first brick parish church of the Holy Trinity is erected in Mława

1495 - after the death of duke Janusz II, Mława is incorporated, along with the rest of the region of Płockie Mazovia, into the Kingdom of Poland

1504 - Piotr Czychwlas, the first known by name mayor of Mława, appears in written sources; this is also the first information about the town council of Mława

1521 - the town is plundered by the Teutonic forces; enormous fire breaks out

1545 - King Zygmunt Stary grants the town of Mława the right to build a town hall "in a more convenient place"

ca 1550 - Andrzej Zagórny, a canon from Gniezno (Mława native), with his brother Marcin (Mława's townsman) found a wooden church of Saint Wawrzyniec

before 1551 - synagogue is built in Mława

1572 - 1573 - first described plague epidemic in Mława region, about 1300 people die of the plague then

1646 - Maria Ludwika Gonzaga, the wife of king Władysław IV Waza, stays overnight in Mława on her way back from Paris through Gdańsk to Warsaw; along with her courtsmen there is Maria Kazimiera, a wife-to-be of Jan Sobieski

1659 - Swedes burn Mława down (385 houses); war destructions, confiscations and contributions make Mława an impoverished town

1661 - 1662 - there is another plague epidemic in Mława

1689 - two women, suspected of witchcraft: Marianna Kukulina and Zofia Rzeszotarska, are burnt at the stake in the suburbs of Mława

23 November 1692 - another enormous fire breaks out in Mława destroying the whole town along with its church and town hall

1708 - 1712 - last epidemic plague in Mława occurs

1713 - destroyed Holy Trinity Church is reconstructed

1764 - with the decision of the Crown Seym Mława becomes a starosty

1776 - the royal commission that arrives in Mława, makes a new division between Mława's and starosty goods

19 August 1776 - in Żydowska Street (presently Warszawska Street) another fire breaks out, the fire destroys 83 houses and 5 streets in the town

1779 - King Stanisław August Poniatowski confirms the privileges given to Mlawa and allows the townsmen to rebuild their town hall

1782 - new town hall, rebuilt on its old foundations, is finished

1786 - 1788 - baroque conversion of Saint Wawrzyniec Church

1793 - Province convention takes place in Mława during which Grodzieński Seym Members are elected; they are called "Mazovian attorneys"

1794 - in March military units of Kościuszko Uprising under the command of Antoni Madaliński enter Mława

1795 - after the third Partition, Mława gets under the control of Prussia (the town is the capital of the district and is a part of department of Płock)

1797 - with the decision of Prussian authorities the first in the history of Mława ghetto is created

before 1805 - first pharmacy in Mława is founded; the owner is Gotlieb Christochorowitz and since 1805 Karol Borowski

1806 - fights of Napoleonic military units, general Jean Bernadotte (the future king of Sweden) stays in Mława

1807 - 1815 - Mława is a part of Warsaw Duchy (the town is the main town of the district belonging to the Mazovia department)

1815 - Mława is incorporated into the Kingdom of Poland and from that time to the World War One it remains under the rule of the Russian Empire (the town is the capital of the district since 1842)

1833 - school is founded in the town; since 1842 it is a district school

1836 - a town hall annexe is built, it has a form of 7 shops called "municipal shops", they are demolished during the last war

1837 - first epidemic of cholera breaks out in the town

1846 - rebuilding of town hall's tower

1856 - Jews build a synagogue in Kozia Street; the synagogue is later called "Bożnica"

1856 - Jews built synagogue on the Kozia street; the synagogue was called later "Bożnicza"

1863 - insurgents of January Uprising under the command of Zygmunt Padlewski fight in the vicinity of Mława in March

after 1864 - during the after uprising repressive measures the missionaries' monastery of Saint Wincent a Paulo in Mława is shut down

1864 - during the after uprising repressive measures the missionaries' monastery of Saint Wincent a Paulo in Mława is shut down

1869 - during the after uprising repressive measures the district school in Mława is shut down by the tsarist authorities

1870 - protestant church is founded in Długa Street

1877 - Nadwiślanska Railway is given for use; a railway station, customs and railway workshops are built

1879 - tsarist authorities open an Orthodox church; it is located in the place of nowadays park; originally it was supposed to be built in the city centre in the place of a former missionary monastery but in the end the monastery is converted in 1863 into a district office

1873 - into the district office

1881 - voluntary Fire Brigade is founded in Mława

1882 - 1886 - conversion of Holy Trinity parish church

1889 - district jail is built in Mława

1898 - dangerous cholera epidemic breaks out in the town and nearby area

1901 - foundation of "Lutnia"- Mława's Song Society

1906 - opening of a library and a reading room of Mława's Song Society "Lutnia"

1906 - opening of library and reading room of the Singing Society "Lutnia"

1909 - foundation of Mława's Cooperative of Food Industry "Spójnia"

1914 - World War One breaks out; in August and September the town was seized eight times by soldiers of Russia and Germany

1917 - Jewish grammar school is founded in Mława

1918 - 1939 - town becomes a seat of district authorities

1919 - opening of National Seminar for Teachers in Mława

1920 - Polish- Bolshevik war, on 21 August soldiers of 18 armoured division under the command of general Franciszek Krajowski in the bayonet attack fight off units of Russian Red Army; the offensive is supported by three armoured trains: 'Lis-Kula", Hallerczyk" and "Danuta"

1925 - Mława's power plant starts working

08 December 1929 - opening of Mława's Regional museum (during the last war its collection was taken by the Germans to Królewiec)

26 May 1930 - president Ignacy Mościcki visits Mława in connection with the celebration of 500 anniversary of granting the city rights to the village of Mława

1939 - 1945 - Mława is incorporated into the German territory; the town and the citizens suffer huge losses then; about 11 thousand people die, buildings and their surroundings are destroyed in 67 %; in the town and its vicinity the resistance movement is very strong

01 - 04 September 1939 - battle of Mława (heroic defense of the town by 20 Infantry Division soldiers)

04 December 1942 - displacement of Jews from Mława (ghetto liquidation); 15 Jews murdered

17 December 1942 - the German hang four Armia Krajowa soldiers

18 January 1945 - mass manslaughter of Mława prisoners in Kalkówka (364 prisoners murdered)

19 January 1945 - Russian armed forces of II Belorussian Front enter Mława

after 1945 - during a postwar period Mława is rebuilt quickly; dynamic growth of the town is started; the showcase of Mława were, well-known in the country, industrial plants like : Mława Shoe Factory, District Dairy Cooperative, Production Plant of Water Supply System Facilities, Meat Production Plant, "Unitra" Department

1958 - The Society of Mława Land Lovers is founded

1963 - opening of Zawkrzeńska Land Museum

1979 - Mława celebrates the 550 anniversary of granting the city rights and the 40 anniversary of the Battle of Mława; in connection with the celebrations the city is honoured with Grunwald Cross of the Second Class

1985 - visit of archbishop Luiggi Poggi to Mława (he is a representative of the Holy See)

1987 - Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland parish creation

1991 - anti Gypsies incidents in the town

1997 - unveiling of the monument of Saint Wojciech, who is the patron of Mława

1998 - unveiling of The Seven Arms Menora monument which is dedicated to the Holocaust victims

01 January 1999 - creation of Mława administrative district

2000 - catholic grammar school of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski starts operating in Mława; it is the first private catholic school in Płock diocese

2001 - Holy Family parish foundation in Mława

12 October 2003 - Mława Council takes a decision to honour Pope John Paul II with the honorary citizenship of Mława at the 25 anniversary of his pontificate

1 January 2004 - villages Piekiełko and Krajewo are incorporated into Mława administration district. In this way the area of Mława increases by 1051 ha (669 ha of forests included)

Adres źródłowy: https://mlawa.pl/artykul/history-mlawa-dates